Physical education

Rugby Word Search FREE
A fun activity for your students. Find the words that are hidden in the rugby ball shape.
Made on A4 size paper.
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Word Cards FREE
A set of 68 word cards for the topic of RUGBY. Great for a classroom word wall.
Made on A4 size paper.
Includes a blank template for you to add your own words.
Note: made especially for NZ classrooms so there are two cards specific to NZ (All Blacks and haka).
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Swimming Pool Game - Captain's Orders
Great swimming pool game that helps with water confidence. Ship/Pirate/Ocean theme.
34 command cards to print and laminate. Each card has the command, a visual cue, and the action.
Stand at the side of the pool, call out a command and hold up the card. Students complete the action. Continue in this way.
You can play it where the last student to do the action is eliminated, or just keep playing and encourage water confidence and movement. A great game to play as a warm up activity or as a fun game at the end of a swimming lesson.
Play with as many commands/cards as you wish.
Suitable for all ages and abilities.
Includes teacher notes and instructions on how to play the game.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Player Profile Activity Sheet
A fun activity when studying sport or a big event such as the Rugby World Cup.
Research information about a rugby player and record it in the boxes around the border.
Add hair and facial features to the body outline.
Colour the uniform (as it currently is, or design a new one).
Shirt with collar - information titles in boxes around border.
Shirt with collar - blank boxes around border.
Shirt without collar - information titles in boxes around border.
Shirt without collar - blank boxes around border.
The information titles around the border are:
Place of Birth
Team Name
If you don’t like these titles, just use the template with the blank boxes.
Designed on A4 size paper. Enlarge to A3 size if you wish.
I consider the body template to be suitable for both male and female rugby players.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Balance Task Cards for PE
Balance (Stability) task cards for Sport / Physical Education lessons. Non-locomotor movement.
72 task cards using a combination of 9 different parts of the body.
Symbols used for indicating the part of the body.
Provided in colour and in black and white.
* 72 task cards (4 to a page).
* 9 flash cards (for learning the symbols).
* Chart showing all 9 symbols and their body part.
* Static Balance definition chart.
* Teacher notes - suggested use, safety considerations, preparation.
Examples of suggested use included in the resource:
* Use as stations around the room.
* Work with a buddy and move smoothly from one balance pose to another
Great as a mini unit or tied into the likes of a gymnastics unit.
Great for all ages / levels.
Great for individual or co-operative work.
Your students will have a lot of fun with this activity!
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Strategy Board Games for Critical Thinking
This is a set of 10 board games that work on STRATEGY rather than CHANCE.
The only equipment you need is counters/markers.
Provided in both colour and black/white.
Easy-to-follow instructions are written on the game boards.
All games are for 2 players.
These games develop skills such as:
♦ strategic thinking
♦ logical thinking
♦ spatial perception
♦ planning ahead
♦ social interaction (not played on a screen!)
♦ Spiralin’
♦ Slide it!
♦ Sandwich
♦ Choices
♦ Pretwa
♦ Block
♦ Len Choa
♦ Nine Holes
♦ Tapatan
♦ Nine Field Kono
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Poetry Writing
A fun poetry writing resource for your students to use when looking at the sport of RUGBY. Great to use during sport studies or times such as the Rugby World Cup.
Two oval (rugby ball shaped) pieces of paper are stapled together at the top. The bottom piece displays the poem and the top piece has a player outline for your students to draw their favourite player. (Your students could also use this to design a new team uniform). I consider the body outline to be generic enough for male or female rugby players to be drawn.
Diamante Poem (x2 : long - 7 lines; short - 5 lines)
Cinquain Poem
Haiku Poem
Poem Framework (charts showing the structure of each poem)
Cover Page and Poem Templates
Examples of poems
Blank oval shape (not needed, but included as an option for you)
There are 3 different cover pages to choose from.
The word ‘RUGBY’ displayed in the border
Plain border
No border
Designed on A4 size paper.
Haiku - Bookmark
Diamante - Square
Haiku - title, 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables
Cinquain - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 4 word phrase, 1 synonym
Diamante (a) - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 2 adjectives, 1 synonym
Diamante (b) - 1 noun, 2 adjectives, 3 verbs, 4 word phrase, 3 verbs, 2 adjectives, 1 synonym
Check out my store for more RUGBY resources.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Rugby Activity Sheets
A large set of print-and-go activity sheets for use during a topic study of RUGBY or for when special events such as the Rugby World Cup are on.
Rugby uniform (various templates)
Rugby boot
Rugby ball
Water bottle
Jacket and Puffer Jacket
Scarf, beanie and gloves
Supporter sign
Postage stamp
Interview questions
View from the grandstand
Would you rather play …
Did you know …
Argument writing (4 different statements)
Newspaper article writing - (10 different photos, plus blank template)
Designed on A4 size paper.
Suitable for any classroom around the world as they are not country/team specific.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources